On Mon, Jul 05, 1999 at 07:34:22PM +0200, Rejo wrote:

> >When I browse through my mailboxes with c<Space>.., one of the boxes
> >that is supposed to have new mail doen't have new mail at all.
> [...]
> >Anyone encountered this too?
> Yes. Although i don't think it is the problem at your machine, but i
> had the problem when procmail was writing mail to that folder and my
> clock had drifted. The time of the folder was newer then the current
> time and therefor Mutt continiously was thinking there was new mail.

I find that if I enter a mailbox, e.g. mutt-users, and there press c
to go back to the list of folders, whenever new mail comes to
mutt-user the mailbox isn't marked with N. Also, if mail come to this
mailbox at this time, and I select *another* mailbox from the list and
press enter, I enter mutt-users nevertheless! That happens only if
mutt-users got mail when it was open.

Is there a way to close a mailbox completely before going to the
mailbox list?

Alex Shnitman                            | http://www.debian.org
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