On Mon, Jun 28, 1999 at 12:23:01PM -0700, Martin Hillyer wrote:
> lines and arrows are shown; however sometimes messages are
> shown as part of a particular thread when the subject is
> completely different, and sometimes a message with a subject
> Re: foo_bar will be shown right below the original messge
> with no connection between them.  I have studied the fine
> manual, and tried various combinations of sort, sort_re, and
> strict threads, but have not observed any difference as a
> result.  I'm sure I'm  missing some magic nostrum to keep
> all threads together; can anyone help?

As other people have mentioned, messages with References: and
In-Reply-To: lines are always put in the same thread, and the settings
of strict_threads and sort_re (and reply_regexp) control how messages
without those headers are linked together based on the Subject: line.

One thing I found while experimenting with reply_regexp was that mutt
seems to check the timestamp on messages when doing Subject-based
threading to make sure that "children" are always later than their
"parents".  Thus, if you have two messages with subjects "foo-bar" and
"Re: foo-bar", but an inaccurate clock gave the reply message an earlier
time stamp, the two messages will end up in separate threads. 

 This behavior makes sense, in that it prevents the "Howdy" message I
send to my sister today from joining into a thread with the "Re: Howdy"
message I sent to my friend six months ago.  But it is confusing if
the time stamps are close together and one is wrong.

Nathan Stratton Treadway  | Ray Ontko & Co. | Software consulting services
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         | Richmond, IN    | http://www.ontko.com/   

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