Hi list!

I'm using the groovy mailer mutt, as you might expect. I have installed
version 0.95.6i, and use it together with the GNU Privacy Guard, version

But I have a problem with encrypting messages to the recipient:
everytime I use

     PGP: Sign, Encrypt

I get the prompt

Enter keyID for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Then I press ^C and answer 'n' to the question whether I want to leave
mutt. Then I try again, and then I get the expected menu offering keys
that match the recipient. I can select one, and everything works fine
besides that mutt doesn't recognize the ElGamal keys correctly, it
stands on the opinion that these keys are not able to sign a message
also GPG says the opposite.

So, to describe the problems in short: How can I get the menu without
having to press ^C and n and y again, and why doesn't mutt recognize the
signature keys correctly?

OK, that's it, sorry for my terrible english and thanks for your help in


PGP signature

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