I'm getting the same thing. I wonder could it have anything to do with extra
output from gpg on my system going to stderr:
gpg: Warning: using insecure memory!
I haven't looked at the pgp code yet from mutt yet, but suppose it could be a
quick hack if this is the case. Alternately, maybe someone has specific muttrc
settings for getting gpg to play with mutt?
On Mon, Jun 28, 1999 at 01:39:14PM -0500, Carey Jones wrote:
> Hello,
> Apologies if this has been addressed elsewhere, but I've looked all through
> the FAQs and mailing list archives for an answer to this one to no avail.
> I'm trying to use mutt with gpg (version outputs of these programs included
> below). Everything seems to be working correctly except for sending
> encrypted mail. For some reason, mutt seems to be unable to find the
> key of the person I'm trying to send mail to. I get to the send menu
> after composing the message, hit p, then e, then y to send it. At that
> point, mutt prompts me to "Enter keyID for user@host: ", and no matter
> what I enter (email addres, real name, keyid, etc) it fails to find it.
> The user@host does indeed show up properly in gpg --list-keys. The
> weirder thing is, it still verifies messages signed by user@host
> properly.
> This has been experienced by me (running on FreeBSD) and the person I'm
> sending mail to (running on Solaris).
> Here's the version info for everything:
> $ uname -a
> FreeBSD if.bluetonic.org 4.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 4.0-CURRENT #19: Fri Jun 25 08:58:47
>CDT 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/compile/IF i386
> $ mutt -v
> Mutt 0.95.6i (1999-06-03)
> Copyright (C) 1996-8 Michael R. Elkins and others.
> Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
> Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
> under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.
> System: FreeBSD 4.0-CURRENT [using slang 10202]
> Compile options:
> SENDMAIL="/usr/sbin/sendmail"
> MAILPATH="/var/mail"
> SHAREDIR="/usr/local/share/mutt"
> SYSCONFDIR="/usr/local/etc"
> ISPELL="/usr/local/bin/ispell"
> _PGPPATH="/usr/local/bin/pgp"
> _PGPV2PATH="/usr/local/bin/pgp"
> To contact the developers, please mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
> $ gpg --version
> gpg (GnuPG) 0.9.7
> Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
> This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
> under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details.
> Supported algorithms:
> Pubkey: ELG-E, DSA, ELG
> Hash: MD5, SHA1, RIPEMD160
> Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
> - Carey
Tivoli Systems, Inc. (512) 436 8643
PGP signature