I've gone over the code, and there's a simple fix.  I'm too lazy to do
a diff, but here's a description:

There is no need to add "to" to the line described below.  Instead, it
seems the later ifs are broken.

Each line that says "if (something && strcmp("", something)) {"
should have the two somethings match.  i.e. the line:

  if (subject && strcmp("", subject)) {

is correct.

However, the lines below don't match, i.e. the code is checking to see
if one variable is defined, and then moving on to look at the correct one.
Change them to match (i.e. bcc &&, etc.) and it'll work.

--Paul L.

On Fri, 25 Jun 1999, Chris Grossmann wrote:

> Brian D. Winters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> > Under Navigator, yes a mailto will bring up mutt, but as I failed to
> > observe yesterday, it doesn't actually pass the address.  This
> > obviously isn't incredibly useful behavior.  If I figure out a
> > workaround I'll post it here, but otherwise it looks like communicator
> > is still required after all.  Sorry for any inconvenience.
> Well, I'm no brilliant C programmer, but this change seems to have
> helped.
> : #/usr/homebrew/unixpost-mutt># diff mutt.c mutt_old.c 
> : 132c132
> : <   char* argv[16] = {XTERM, "-e", MUTT, to, NULL};
> : ---
> : >   char* argv[16] = {XTERM, "-e", MUTT, NULL};
> : 154,157c154,156
> : < /*  if (subject && strcmp("", to))  {
> : <  *   argv[nargs++] = to;
> : <  * }
> : <  */
> : ---
> : >   if (subject && strcmp("", to))
> : >     argv[nargs++] = to;
> : > 
> This works fine for me in navigator now..  I haven't tried passing it
> CC or BCC information, but I'm not too worried about that..
> -- 
> Chris Grossmann          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://www.tunl.duke.edu/~grossman/
> "Oh, we got both kinds. We got country *and* western."

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