Brian D. Winters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> Under Navigator, yes a mailto will bring up mutt, but as I failed to
> observe yesterday, it doesn't actually pass the address.  This
> obviously isn't incredibly useful behavior.  If I figure out a
> workaround I'll post it here, but otherwise it looks like communicator
> is still required after all.  Sorry for any inconvenience.

Well, I'm no brilliant C programmer, but this change seems to have

: #/usr/homebrew/unixpost-mutt># diff mutt.c mutt_old.c 
: 132c132
: <   char* argv[16] = {XTERM, "-e", MUTT, to, NULL};
: ---
: >   char* argv[16] = {XTERM, "-e", MUTT, NULL};
: 154,157c154,156
: < /*  if (subject && strcmp("", to))  {
: <  *   argv[nargs++] = to;
: <  * }
: <  */
: ---
: >   if (subject && strcmp("", to))
: >     argv[nargs++] = to;
: > 

This works fine for me in navigator now..  I haven't tried passing it
CC or BCC information, but I'm not too worried about that..

Chris Grossmann          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Oh, we got both kinds. We got country *and* western."

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