On Jun 23, 1999, Brian D. Winters wrote:
> > Is it correct that this works with Netscape Communicator, and *not* with
> > current versions of Navigator? That is my experience, but not what is
> > stated on Netscape's Web site.
> I would expect that is correct, but I haven't confirmed it myself.
> The last time I installed Navigator I found no support for mailto:
> urls at all, although this was some time ago (maybe an early 4.0?). I
> found this rather annoying since I already had a mail reader, but
> wanted to be able to click on a mailto: occasionally and not have to
> copy and paste the URL.
Maybe I'm missing something here, but this kludge works for me. I use
Netscape 4.04 (with mail host set to localhost) and smail:
1. As root, start smail daemon with 'smail -bd'.
2. In Navigator, click on a 'mailto:'; the Netscape mail window opens.
3. Compose and send the mail from Netscape.
4. When you're ready, run 'smail -q' as root and all the queued mail is
5. Kill smail daemon as root of you're uneasy about having it continue
to listen on port 25.
Howard Arons
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