> Some time ago there was a discussion re: using mutt to catch netscape URLs.
> Various bits were posted, and finally this URL came up with supposedly a
> working solution:
> http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~brianw/email/
> I'd like to add this to the web site, however, this link has been dead for
> a while.  Is the author still out there?  If so, please let me know the
> state of this.

I wouldn't exactly say I'm the author (I hacked netscape's example
code a little bit and fixed some stupid bugs), but that is my web
page.  As far as I know that link works fine, although the server has
had the odd bit of downtime once or twice in the last few months.

Anyway, the code I've got on that page is mostly functional from a
mutt standpoint, but I've been playing with the news half lately and
that leaves something to be desired still.  I'm working on a new
version, but I'm not sure when I'll have time to figure out everything
that netscape seems to have left out of their original elm/trn
example.  When I do figure it out I'll post a new version and let this
list know.

When you add it to the web site, please use the following URL:


The old URL should continue to work for a while.


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