At 2:07 PM EDT on June 9 Steve Crane sent off:
> Does mutt have a facility to reload its settings from .muttrc without
> quitting and re-running it?
I have this in my .muttrc, probably from looking at the .muttrc Roland
Rosenfeld has on his page.
macro index \er ":source ~/.muttrc\n" # reload muttrc
macro pager \er ":source ~/.muttrc\n" # reload muttrc
Of course, you don't need it macroed, just do ":source ~/.muttrc" in
mutt (i.e. right after you've pasted the macros into .muttrc).
Q. Why do some people take astrology seriously?
A. Because they have unusually small brains. - Dave Barry
Robert I. Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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