I want to use .signature #A to this mailing list and use .signature #B to other mailing lists, and .signature #C to my personal contacts. How can I tell mutt to do so? Oh yeah... Where can I find a program to convert my pine's .addressbook to mutt's aliases? TIA -- m4v3r1ck - ICQ UIN: 26095019 RC5DES Cracking Participant [ID #188962] Member of Indonesia Raya (aka GBT) - RC5-64 Cracking Team #6362 <http://rc5stats.distributed.net/rc5-64/tmsummary.php3?team=6362>
- Re: Multiple .signature m4v3r1ck
- Re: Multiple .signature Ronny Haryanto
- Re: Multiple .signature Ralf Hildebrandt