Sorry if what I'm going to ask is considered off topic.

I have this in my .forward:
[m4v3r1ck@localhost ~]$ cat .forward
"|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #m4v3r1ck"

I use bash 2.03 (bash2) from Red Hat 6.0.
It looks like now the system complains that I have wrong recipe in my
.forward (the complaints is mailed locally to root).
Used to be fine with bash.
Is this a shell specific issue or maybe I should replace my .forward?


m4v3r1ck - ICQ UIN: 26095019
RC5DES Cracking Participant [ID #188962]
Member of Indonesia Raya (aka GBT) - RC5-64 Cracking Team #6362

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