
Actually I'm working with hdr_format in a lowly .93.1, but the manual
doesn't seem to list any applicable changes, so I haven't rebuilt.
(For those looking at X-Headers its a different account, the one at

To set up the problem, at work I receive far to much E-Mail most of
which is not directly to me, but to a list I'm on.  However I'd like to
see both the list, and the sender when applicable.  Also I'd like there
to be an alias for my lists.

Right now I've got: 
set hdr_format="%4C %Z %[%b %d] %-15.15L (%4l) %s"
which yields the familiar:
1512 N   Jun 08 Name or address (  78) Re: Subject.....

What I'd like is something with some actual logic,
No matter what I want to see %n, if there is a list match I'd like to
see (LIST-ALIAS)  Or the first list match if there are multiple.

I really don't want to see (To LIST-ALIAS) As that is wasting 3 characters 
of real estate.

Also if it could be an alias for the list instead of the list name that
would be perfect.  (I belong to several lists of the format
organization-group-subject, and I'd like to see og-sub, instead of the
whole thing)

In other words my perfect subject line from a list would be:
1512 N   Jun 08 Sender Name  (OG-subj) (  78) Subject.
Spacing aside, this is
%4C %Z %[%b %d] %-12.12n (%4l) (%L) %s

But its not quite the existing %L, as I don't want the "To ", and I'd
like it to collapse to nothing if thers no list, and not give me the
sender again.  Due to the length of the list names the exist %L is with
its three character waste is useless.

>From teh manual it seems that I couldnet set up a list alias of the form:
lists ridiculously_long_list_name <lista>

How much of what Im talking about is doable at all?

What pieces of source code to I look at to make my own patch for this?


Flying is the knack of throwing oneself at the ground, and missing.
Nevertheless, when offered a flying lesson, it is usually a good idea
to check if you are in the cockpit.

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