On 05-Jun-1999, Michael Thies wrote: > > X-Mailer: mutt 0.95.6i on Linux 2.2.5-15 i586 > Oh, how do You got this? bash# CFLAGS="-DNO_XMAILER" ./configure [..whatever options..] my_hdr X-Mailer: Mutt `mutt -v | head -1 | cut -f 2 -d " "` on `uname -srm` Too bad there's no 'mutt --version' that simply spits out the version number, but I guess it's not too hard to hack the source code if you have time. I'm just lazy :) -- Ronny Haryanto
- Place .signature above message body m4v3r1ck
- Re: Place .signature above message body Vincent Lefevre
- Re: Place .signature above message body rex
- Re: Place .signature above message body Brian Lavender
- Re: Place .signature above message body Rich Lafferty
- Re: Place .signature above message body Rob Reid
- 95.6i-configs? (was: Re: Place .signature above messa... Michael Thies
- Ronny Haryanto