[Brian -- not only do signatures go at the bottom, but your reply
goes at the bottom of that which you quote. Please play along.]
Quoting Brian Lavender ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) from Sat, Jun 05, 1999 at 01:38:15PM +0000:
> On Sat, 5 Jun 1999 10:51:59 -0700, you wrote:
> >On Sat, Jun 05, 1999 at 10:20:12PM +0700, m4v3r1ck wrote:
> >> I'm a new mutt user.
> >> Can anybody tell me how to make my .signature appear in mail body but
> >> before the contents?
> >
> >Some mail readers discard the line with the sig marker ("-- ") and
> >everything below that. I think life will be simpler for you if you
> >leave the sig below the content.
> >
> >-rex
> Say I want to do it the bad way just like in the original post. Is
> there a way to configure mutt, so the sig goes before the original
> post?
That's not a signature. Signatures go at the *bottom*. What you want
to do is some text in the middle that might contain the same thing
as what users who want to communicate with other users put in their
signature -- but since it's not at the bottom, it's not a signature.
Mutt handles signatures correctly.
> --------------------
> Brian Lavender
Signatures are delimited with "\n-- \n".
Rich Lafferty -----------+-------------------------------------------
Department of Sociology | "Theory means you have ideas; ideology
McGill University | means ideas have you" -unknown anarchist
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ------+-------------------------------------[mcq]-