~> Quoting our friend -->  brian moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
~> > It depends on your editor.  I use a vile macro to strip them on load --
~> > there are similar tricks for vim and most certainly emacs.
~> Im using vim. Any suggestions? ;) also my vimrc is 95% German. Id really 
~> like to put it on the muttrc
~> thanks
~> rob

It's something like this in .vimrc:

map ,kqs G?^.> -- $<CR>d/^-- $<CR>

which I haven't been able to make it work since I use `~>' for replies...
actually, the period just tries to match any character before `>',so you
may avoid it:

map ,kqs G?^> -- $<CR>d/^-- $<CR>

Valencia - ESPAŅA

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