on Jun 02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Jeremy
> What Im interested in knowing is how to setup the muttrc so the
> delimiter "-- " is reconised and the following sig is automaatically cut.
Well mutt *does* recognize the "-- ", and uses it to highlight the signature
automatically, but I don't think it can cut it. You could configure the
coloring to give the sig the same color as the background, but that would
leave "blank" space anyway. I think the best way is to use procmail to
cut the signature, if you really never want to see it, or to configure your
editor to remove it when replying.
{~._.~} Renaud COLINET |
()~*~() (33)1 48 42 22 80 (home) |
(_)-(_) (33)1 41 75 31 37 (off) |