On Wed, Jun 02, 1999 at 01:24:21AM +0200, Attila Csosz wrote:

> How could I turn off highlighting( from/date fields in the header;
> email-addresses in the body? How could I turn off blinking thread markers?

When they blink, you probably set the background color of these markers
to "brightgreen". 

you can change it using

        color markers fg_color bg_color

or for the header:

        color hdrdefault fg_color bg_color
        color header fg_color bg_color regexp


Carsten Wolfram  ** eMail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   //
Rotbuchenallee 8 ** PGP:2048/7241EFB9  1999/02/06 //
D-14712 Rathenow ** ICQ-# : 14722196 *********** //

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