On Wed, Jun 02, 1999 at 08:33:11PM +0800, Duncan Sargeant wrote:

> solution.  I was after builtin support, and the dummy letter will mean
> I have to strip the headers manually if I don't want to use them.
> What I should have asked is:  is there any reason why my_hdr doesn't
> accept empty headers?  I'm pondering whether we could strip them when
> sending the message instead?

I had the same Q, so I fixed it - but part of my larger patch.

> don't particularly wish to lose :-) The expression is merely my subtle
> joke.

Oh, that was obvious, just a bit off taste for those who contribute to the
mutual effort.

Later ...

Rich Roth --- On-the-Net

Direct:  Box 927, Northampton, MA 01061, Voice: 413-586-9668

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