On Tue, Jun 01, 1999 at 11:13:07AM +0800, Duncan Sargeant wrote:

> I'm looking for a way to put empty headers in an email messages so that
> when I compose a new message, the header fields are there for me.
> So that I can just fill in the header field when I edit my messages.

As I recall, blank my_hdrs headers are ignored.  You can get my s-lang
patches which allow blank headers, which I use as part of the scripting
features of s-lang (see http://www.katn.com/opensw/#mutt).

Or just put a dummy letter on the my_hdrs definitions and remove it when you
edit the line.

BTW, Please change your To: address - "Mutt Victims" will not make you many
friends around here.

Later ...

Rich Roth --- On-the-Net

Direct:  Box 927, Northampton, MA 01061, Voice: 413-586-9668

Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     Url: http://www.on-the-net.com
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