~> Can someone tell me
~> where does my sent mail go /endup on my end?
~> do I need to file a cc to /home/my_sent-mail?
in ~/.muttrc:
set copy=yes
will keep a copy of every outgoing mail.
~> How does one veiw other folders (where saved mail went)
~> How come vim is unpredictibally jumpy when tyring to navigate with the up & down
~> It seems to jump 3 -4 lines other times it will behave and totally navigate with
use of the arrows
may be those 3-4 lines are long lines, not sure about that behaviour.
See, in the below line (your text), the line doesn't really break, it
continues ("ndex"). Shorten the length of lines by default, eg. in
set textwidth=72
~> In my .muttrc I like the "inverse bar" that points to messages in the folderindex.
~> *unset
~> On startup mutt complains of "bad command" But... displays the full color bar.
~> The error is just annoying (but I could live with it ;-)
You don't have to, in ~/.muttrc:
set arrow_cursor # you'll see the ->
# set arrow_cursor # you'll see the inversed bar
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