On Fri, Apr 16, 1999 at 05:33:45PM -0700, Robert Chien wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a simple question: after I type 'l' to limit messages by a
> certain criteria (usually by sender's email addr), when I'm done, I
> would like to go back to my full inbox. But there's no "unlimit" key
> definition (or indication of it in help). What I do now is to enter a
> limit string that matches nothing, like "b6a3", to make the limit fail
> so that it'll take me back to the full inbox. Is there a more elegant
> way?

A bunch of people have already answered this, (giving the correct answer
as limiting to ~A), but I still like 'l.', that is - limit and a dot.
Internally, mutt transforms a lone dot to ~A, and it's right below the "l"
on most keyboards :)

> Also, I've noticed that if I do limit, delete, sync, multiple times in
> random order, sometimes all New mails in my inbox are marked read! I
> have not been able to reproduce it, but it's possibly a bug. I'm using

This is weird, as I've noticed something similar.  In my case, all New
messages become Old.  I have mark_old unset, and I'm using the patch
(attached below - it came from this list a few weeks ago, and I tweaked it
for 0.95.4) to allow there to be Old messages at all.


   David Shaw  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  WWW http://www.jabberwocky.com/
   "There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX.
      We don't believe this to be a coincidence." - Jeremy S. Anderson
diff -uNr mutt-0.95.4/mh.c mutt-0.95.4-new/mh.c
--- mutt-0.95.4/mh.c    Tue Feb  9 18:53:39 1999
+++ mutt-0.95.4-new/mh.c        Thu Apr 15 00:15:07 1999
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
     snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", ctx->path, subdir);
-    is_old = (mutt_strcmp("cur", subdir) == 0) && option(OPTMARKOLD);
+    is_old = (mutt_strcmp("cur", subdir) == 0);
     strfcpy(buf, ctx->path, sizeof(buf));
diff -uNr mutt-0.95.4/parse.c mutt-0.95.4-new/parse.c
--- mutt-0.95.4/parse.c Tue Mar  2 15:28:18 1999
+++ mutt-0.95.4-new/parse.c     Thu Apr 15 00:15:29 1999
@@ -1112,8 +1112,7 @@
                  hdr->replied = 1;
                case 'O':
-                 if (option (OPTMARKOLD))
-                   hdr->old = 1;
+                 hdr->old = 1;
                case 'R':
                  hdr->read = 1;

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