Im trying to switch to mutt, but im having some troubles getting IMAP
folders (UW server) to work. I have my inbox working ok by setting the
spoolfile to {server}INBOX. However, I cant get any of the other folders
to work that are located at {server}mail/folder. If I set the spoolfile
to {server}mail/folder it works ok, but i cant set multiple spoolfiles.
I tried "set folder" and "set mailboxes" in every combination i can think
of, but I still cant get it too work. What am i missing? Can one of the
other ppl on this list that use IMAP folders send me the relavant IMAP
sections of their .muttrc? Using version 95.4i and 96.1. Browsing
works with 96.1, but id rather have a stable 95.4 with a few
keyboard bindings to my folders.
Other than that, mutt is very impressive. Great job by the dev team..