Some more from the new guy... :)

I know mutt only supports PGP/MIME, and not the old-style
signing/encrypting. This, however, makes it somewhat problematic to
verify PGP-signed mail with some other mail clients. A mutt-signed
message can't be easily verified in my Win95 mail client - I was only
able to do it by copying the whole message, with all headers, to
clipboard - basically because there's no "----BEGIN PGP..." line.

Is there a workaround? I tried piping the message to PGP from the
compose menu, but the signed output message is stored as 'stdin.asc'
and never brought back into mutt. This has of course wider application:
when writing a message, can I pipe it through an external command and
being it back into mutt, modified?

Thanks a lot,


General Frenetics, Discorporated:
A child of five could understand this!  Fetch me a child of five.

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