++ 08.04.1999, 15:14:33 (+0200) = Stefan `Sec` Zehl:
>Mutt sould add the Mail-Followup-To-Header on its own, if you hav
>'lists' statements for your Mailinglists.
About these list follow-ups...
I have all of the list set in in the 'lists' statement, and most of the
time i can say 'l' to give a list reply and 'r' for a private reponse.
But sometimes that doesn't work. Whatever i do, r or l, i'll reply to
the lists. The From line from the message i'm responding to is set to
the orginal sender, so that can't be the problem. I have noted this only
happend with Onelist mailinglists.
Where does it go wrong?
= Rejo [Sister Ray Crisiscentrum] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
= http://mediaport.org/~sister PGP: DSS B20D35F8, RSA FAE40065
= Please do not carbon me on list replies. I'll get my copy from the list.