On Wed, Apr 07, 1999 at 10:02:09PM -0500, Tim Walberg wrote:
> On 04/07/1999 16:10 -0700, Daniel Eisenbud wrote:
> >>    On Wed, Apr 07, 1999 at 06:48:36PM -0400, Jailbait <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> >>    > Is there any way to get the mailboxes directive to take a wildcard?
> >>    > I have something like 100 mailboxes in my listmail directory and I don't 
> >>    > want to have to list each of them by hand, esp. as new ones get added.
> >>    > 
> >>    > The fine manual doesn't mention wildcarding in  the mailboxes directive
> >>    > section, nor in the mailboxes shortcuts section.
> >>    
> >>    Mutt doesn't support this directly, but you might be able to do
> >>    something like:
> >>    mailboxes `ls -d $HOME/listmail/*`
> Here's what I use - I haven't run into any line length limitations (or any other
> type of problems) yet, but I've got <50 folders...  The tr and print steps may
> be unnecessary - I forget why I put them in there... But otherwise, this works
> well for a hierarchy of folders.
> mailboxes ! \
>       `/bin/ksh -c "(/bin/find ~/mail/folders -type f -print | /bin/sort | /bin/tr 
>'\n' ' '; print)"`

This is what I use (some more handy things in here perhaps :)

--- .muttrc fragment
source ~/mutt.lists|
set ignore_list_reply_to
source ~/mutt.mboxes|

--- mutt.lists
cd mail
echo -n lists
for d in `cut -f1 -d'@' ~/.lists`
  echo -n " $d"

--- mutt.mboxes
cd mail
echo -n mailboxes
for d in * zolder/*
  echo -n " =$d"

Why the fuss, you say? Well.. this .lists file is also in my QMAILMFTFILE
env.variable, which means qmail-inject will send my Mail-Followup-To to these
mailinglists when I mail to any of them.

For the mboxes thing, most of my mboxes are in fact Maildirs so a recursive solution
would require filtering out anything called tmp new or cur.

Hmm i suddenly see a possible optimization in mutt.lists.. but who cares :)

Greetz, Peter
| 'He broke my heart,    |                              Peter van Dijk |
     I broke his neck'   |                     [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
   nognixz - As the sun  |        Hardbeat@ircnet - #cistron/#linux.nl |
                         | Hardbeat@undernet - #groningen/#kinkfm/#vdh |

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