Twas brillig, on Fri Mar 12 at 02:54:51 PM, and rfi from Rich Roth burbled:
> On Fri, Mar 12, 1999 at 11:37:11AM -0800, Brandon Long wrote:
> > > text/enriched; /home/binde/bin/rtfreader %s; copiousoutput
> ...
> > rtfreader program I know about actually reads application/ms-rtf or the
> Do you have a location for this program ??
Why, of course.
And thanks to Brandon for pointing out to the list that I'd pasted in an old
version of my .mailcap file -- the one actually in use in the account where
get rtf emails uses application/ms-rtf
Melissa Binde -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Outside the Asylum --
Far be it from us to TELL you when you should become a parent,
but we WILL be so bold as to offer you some guidelines. -- "DNS and BIND"