On 03/12/99 Melissa D. Binde uttered the following other thing:
> Twas brillig, on Fri Mar 12 at 06:55:29 PM, and Eric Smith burbled:
> > some1 posted an interesting viewing facility for html with lynx
> > Made me think of this for all those legacy file formats that ppl keep
> > mailing like m$ .doc files.
> > 
> > for your .mailcap
> > application/octet-stream; strings %s ;copiousoutput
> > and for you .muttrc
> > auto_view application/octet-stream
> > 
> > I tried to pipe it thru the handy mswordview that converts to html, and
> > from there into lynx, but could not get a stream instead of a file from
> > mswordview and besides its supper time now.
> I use:
> text/html;      lynx -dump %s; copiousoutput; nametemplate=%s.html
> text/enriched;      /home/binde/bin/rtfreader %s; copiousoutput
> application/msword;   /home/binde/bin/mswordview %s -o - | 
>/home/binde/script/html2ascii; lynx %s; copiousoutput
Mutt does have pretty decent support for text/enriched.  Also, the
rtfreader program I know about actually reads application/ms-rtf or the
various versions of RTF generated by other programs (I've only ever
gotten them with ms-rtf, but I know nextstep used to output it)

At one point, text/enriched was called text/richtext, but this was not
the same richtext as RTF.

Brandon Long ([EMAIL PROTECTED])             [http://www.fiction.net/blong/]

  "The 'Christian Coalition' gives a bad name to both Christians and     
         coalitions." -- Her Grace the Duchess, Bonni Hall

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