On 03/09/99 Martin Julian DeMello uttered the following other thing:
> A friend and I have been trying to write a macro to edit mails in place
> (i.e. pipe a mail to your editor of choice, edit and save it back to the
> same folder, marking the original D).
> The macro to date is
> macro index \ce "s/tmp/_f\ny!vim /tmp/_f && cat /tmp/_f >>$HOME/Mail/inbox\n!/bin/rm
>-f /tmp/_f\n"
> macro pager \ce "s/tmp/_f\ny!vim /tmp/_f && cat /tmp/_f >>$HOME/Mail/inbox\n!/bin/rm
>-f /tmp/_f\n"
> Is there any way to get the current active folder into a variable (to
> replace "inbox")?
Have you seen edit from the index menu? (default: 'e'). Its in newer
versions of mutt, and allows you to edit the message using the same
compose menu interface you are used to...
Brandon Long "Being intelligent is not a felony. But most societies
Fiction L Networks evaluate it as being at least a misdemeanor."
-- Robert A. Heinlein