On Thu Feb 18 09:49 1999 -0500, felix k sheng wrote:
> I switched to mutt for precisely it's ability to do this (version 91i),
> but found w/out modifying the source suddenly the above didn't work for
> me.  That is, when I have just:
> send-hook . 'my_hdr From: felix k sheng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' #-- default
> send-hook . 'set signature=~/.signature'
> send-hook '~C felix@nytimes' 'my_hdr From: felix k sheng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
> send-hook '~C felix@nytimes' 'set signature=~/.sig-nyt'
> set, it never notices that I am receiving mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm having a very similar problem.

I use procmail to categorize my mail, based mostly on who I'm
corresponding with.  Since I don't want to have to maintain a
duplicate copy of all of my procmail rules using save-hooks, I simply
Bcc: myself on outgoing mail and let procmail check both sender and

However, one of the Unix labs my group admins has an alias
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" (not the real domain) which the users use to
contact us about system problems.  When a user mails this alias, I
want to group-respond to the user and back to the alias, so that my
fellow admins can stay in the loop.  Since I'm sending the mail to
this alias, I don't need a seperate Bcc for myself.

So here's what I've got in my .muttrc:

send-hook .* unmy_hdr Reply-to
send-hook .*@.*(foo|bar).uiuc.edu my_hdr Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
send-hook .* my_hdr Bcc: roth
send-hook manager@.*(foo|bar).uiuc.edu unmy_hdr Bcc

The first two lines work as I intended: If I mail anyone in the
foo.uiuc.edu or bar.uiuc.edu domains, it adds a Reply-to: field so
their responses go to the manager alias.

The last two lines don't work at all.  For some reason, the Bcc: field
never gets set, regardless of who the message is going to.

> I had to modify the source so that the send-hook looked at the message
> envelope (or something) was looked at *before* the new message envelope
> for the new message was created.

Felix, could you post this patch?  I'd be interested in seeing if it
fixes my problem.

> Has this behaviour changed recently?  Or am I simply missing something
> entirely?

I've tried this with 0.95.4i on a number of platforms, with the same
result.  An old 0.88 Solaris binary I had lying around also has this
problem.  I've attached the output of "mutt -v" from my desktop

Thanks in advance for any info.

System Administrator, CCSO Workstation Services Group
Mutt 0.95.4i (1999-03-03)
Copyright (C) 1996-8 Michael R. Elkins and others.
Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

System: AIX 4.2 [using slang 10202]
Compile options:
To contact the developers, please mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

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