Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This did the trick. It seems that the problem was that I had my
> editor (vim) start at the first blank line after the headers (right
> below Reply-To). When going into insert mode with "i" it incorporated
> Reply-To into the body. If I go into insert mode with "o" (skipping a
> line after Reply-To) it does the right thing.
Well, it's true that you shouldn't be adding text before the blank-line
(otherwise that text will be interpreted as headers), it does seem wrong
that Mutt treats a blank header followed by non-header text to mean that
both the header and the text are part of the body. Seems like just the
line of text should be evicted to the body.
Perhaps you should train vim to start at the line *after* the blank
line. :)
David DeSimone | "The doctrine of human equality reposes on this:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | that there is no man really clever who has not
Hewlett-Packard | found that he is stupid." -- Gilbert K. Chesterson
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