This did the trick. It seems that the problem was that I had my
editor (vim) start at the first blank line after the headers (right below
Reply-To). When going into insert mode with "i" it incorporated
Reply-To into the body. If I go into insert mode with "o" (skipping a
line after Reply-To) it does the right thing.
Majorly annoying problem; very simple solution.
Thanks to all who helped out!
Stefan `Sec` Zehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I hava n idea. Did you leave an empty line between the reply-to header
> and your text ? If not, mutt is trying to be smart and figure it out on
> its own. This might fail on empty headers.
> Try leaving a blank line between Reply-To: and you actual text.
Ronald L. Johnson
Sr. Systems and Networks Administrator, Perl Addict
MERL - A Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory