Le Mon 05/04/1999, Vikas Agnihotri disait
> On Mon, Apr 05, 1999 at 06:13:34PM +0200, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> > I have 0.95.4i and when I press 'e', the whole mail isn't edited,
> > only the body (without the attachments).
> Thats right. When you quit the editor, you will be in the Compose menu
> and your attachments will be there. Just like you are composing a new
> message. You can choose to attach something else, edit existing
> attachments, etc using all the regular Compose menu commands. When you
> are done, use the write-fcc (default: w) function to write the edited
> message to any folder.

        I think we sometime need a more basic function : editing the
raw mail and replacing it in the folder after consistency checks from
mutt (don't care if the edited mail is broken, but garantee the
mailbox is not). Today's feature add a new version of the mail, and
you do not get everything. Especially if you receive a broken
multipart mail (e.g. with ill formated boundary lines) you cannot
correct it simply.

Erwan DAVID            | Domaine de Voluceau
Trusted Logic          | BP 105, 78153 Le Chesnay CEDEX France
Je ne parle qu'en mon nom propre, et encore pas toujours.

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