At 21:11 -0500 03 Apr 1999, James FitzGibbon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Stuff about sending mail with POP3.

> I think the command is XSENDER (and perhaps others, I think this one is
> logically equivalent to SMTP's "MAIL FROM".  AFAIK, it's never been in an
> RFC or draft.  I've never seen a client that used it, but at a large ISP I
> used to work at, I saw many "unknown command: XSENDER..." lines in my log.

No, sending mail with POP is done with the "XTND XMIT" command.  It puts
the POP server into a mode that's basically like sendmail -f, (so it
gets the recipients from the headers).  I know that at least Eudora can
be configured to send mail in this way, and it's a good way for roaming
users to be able to send mail without reconfiguring their mail client
all the time.

Aaron Schrab     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I try never to get involved in my own life, too much trouble.
   -- Garibaldi

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