On Mon, Mar 29, 1999 at 01:58:11AM +0200, Peter van Dijk wrote:
> Err it is _plain_ _wrong_ (IMnsHO anyway) to reply _before_ a quoted message.
> Rules in replying:
> -strip all irrelevant stuff but leave enough for anyone to jump in and join the
> thread
If following netiquette is important to you, your long line above
("-strip...") violates netiquette.
Sometimes putting the reply before the quote saves the reader time,
e.g., if the Subject: is "What is the URL for XXXX" and the quote
is "See the subject", there is no point in quoting it first (if at all).
So I use both. Usually, I put the quote first. However, if I think
most readers will not need the quote, I put the reply first. That
way the quote is there for those who need it, but the majority who
don't are saved the bother of scrolling down.
OBMutt content:
I've not been happy with the *nix editors, but just switched to
using xjed, and it looks good so far. However, sometimes I want
to run Mutt outside of X. How can I tell Mutt to use xjed under X,
and jed when not in X?
Linux 2.2.1