Patrick Colbeck schrieb am Tue, Feb 16, 1999 at 04:02:23PM +0000:
> The -- should be there. Its part of the SMTP RFC and denotes that what
> follows is the signature.
Sure, it should be there. But some people -- including me -- like to
have some kind of letter closing included in the .signature
file. E.g. my standard signature file is
| Gruß, Axel
| --
| 50 Jahre Citroën 2CV - Ente gut, alles gut.
where the "-- " (The last space is necessary according to the RFC) is
included in the file.
The configuration variable is $sig_dashes. Write "unset sig_dashes" in
your muttrc and the "-- " won't be included.
Regards, Axel
Axel Beckert - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Saarland (Germany)
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (AI Lab), Prof. Dr. W. Wahlster;
WWW-Administrator IBFI Schloss Dagstuhl; Students Representative