hello, Is it possible for mutt not to insert the '--' just above the signature file? Is there some sort of configuration option in ~/.muttrc or I'll have to patch the source? thanks in advance... -tacho Mr. Stanislav Grozev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> || http://dread.orbitel.bg/ Micro$oft asks you "Where do you want to go?". *BSD* gets you there today... The opinions expressed in this letter are entirely mine, not of my employer. PGP public key is available on request. UIN#17391433 but ICQ is so stupid.
- Re: '--' just above .signature Stanislav Grozev
- Re: '--' just above .signature Patrick Colbeck
- Re: '-- ' just above .signature Axel Beckert
- Re: '--' just above .signature Vladimir Sizikov
- Re: '--' just above .signature Vincent Lefevre
- Re: '--' just above .signature Jeremy Blosser
- Re: '--' just above .signature Franklin R. Jones
- Re: '--' just above .signature Ian Peters
- Re: '--' just above .signature Vladimir Sizikov