On Sat, Jan 16, 1999, Adam M. Costello ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
|     In the index, half-up and half-down behave strangly near the top and
|     bottom.  Usually, they scroll the viewable region without affecting
|     the selection, unless the selection is scrolled out of the window,
|     in which case the selection is moved as little as possible in order
|     to make it visible.  But when the first (for half-up) or last (for
|     half-down) entry is already visible, then no scrolling happens, and
|     the first/last entry becomes selected.  I think it would make much
|     more sense if half-down were exactly equivalent to doing next-line
|     w/2 times, where w is the window size.

Use of the half-up/half-down ops when the first/last message is already
on-screen, does the same thing as what the previous-page/next-page ops
(left-arrow/right-arrow) do.

Or at least they behaved in a consistent fashion, back in the 0.8x days,
when I revised the half-op code (I'm still running 0.88.14i, so I don't
know if the behaviors have diverged since then).


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