On Fri, Jan 14, 2022 at 03:19:39AM +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> On 2022-01-13 15:36:04 -0600, Derek Martin wrote:
> > So...  The only difference between this and hdrdefault is that
> > hdrdefault's order does not matter.  This is a very minor difference,
> > and the distinction disappears so long as you provide the "." rule
> > first,
> This would mean that it would not be possible to change the default
> header color from a running Mutt.

No it doesn't; use uncolor, then enter the rules in the correct order.

I'm well aware doing that would be dumb, but it IS possible.  It would
be far more sensible to just restart Mutt with the updated config,
which is what any reasonable person would do, and which is necessary
in any case to make the change permanent.  This is such an uncommon
case that considering it seems silly, but regardless, it's false.

> Currently, my header color settings do not depend on any order as they
> are mutually exclusive

That's possible, if your rules are very carefully crafted; but it's
not generally true as Mutt's regex rules are inherently ordered, and
if it is true in your case it is specific to your rules, not Mutt's
functionality generally.  But it's irrelevant; the config language not
having the precise semantics you personally prefer does not change the
fact that you STILL CAN achieve the same result without the default


> > just as you must already do with send-hook and every other
> I don't use send-hook (and other hooks) on "color header".

That's not what I'm saying.

# apply a default folder hook
folder-hook . set x=foo
# other folders
folder-hook work set x=bar
folder-hook ice-cream set x=baz

The . rule must come first.  There is no default folder-hook.  The
necessity of ordering has precedence in Mutt and is inherent in any

And yes, ice cream definitely deserves its own mail folder. =8^)

I've had my fill of this pointless argument.  Especially pointless
since I'm not actually advocating removing it.

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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