On Mon, Nov 22, 2021 at 11:22:33AM -0600, Aaron Poffenberger wrote:
> On 2021-11-22 16:48 +0000, Claus Assmann <mutt+...@esmtp.org> wrote:
> > I'm not sure the problem is really related to "fqdn of the Message-ID",
> > could you give a real example:
> > sending from the same host using the same addresses but two different
> > Message-ID - only one of which fulfills the requirement you stated.

Clauss et al. are correct.  The SMTP server does not look at the
contents (i.e. the message headers) to make this decision; it is based
solely on the message envelope presented in the SMTP conversation.
That conversation can be and often is entirely different from what's
in the headers, and you generally don't ever get to see it.  The
server has given you an honest accounting of the error..

> sbcglobal.net will fail delivery of the message with the following error:
> <user>@*sbcglobal.net*: 550 5.7.1 Connections not accepted from
> servers without a valid sender domain.alph758 Fix reverse DNS for

It's just told you what the problem is, and you've misunderstood or
ignored the explanation, and come up with a solution that just happens
to work by coincidence, because it *also* effectively changes the
piece of data that actually matters...

Most likely the failed SMTP conversation (in its entirety) looks
something like this:

EHLO host.example.com
550 5.71 Connections not accepted from servers without a valid sender 
domain.alph758 Fix reverse DNS for

The receiving SMTP server most likely never gets past this--never
gives your laptop a chance to send the message data (including the
completely irrelevant message ID and the rest of the headers), because
it first tries to look up host.example.com, which as you've said has
no A record, so that fails.  The IP address also does not
have a PTR record:

$ host
Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

Normally the server will check the forward and reverse DNS lookups
match (there's some minor variation and configurable behavior around
this check from server to server, including the possibility to enable
or disable it entirely), and reject the connection if there's a
problem. I'm 99.9% sure that is what has happened here.

The usual (and most correct) way around this problem is to set the
outgoing mail relay on the machine from which you're sending mail to
be the mail server responsible for your domain, assuming it is
propertly configured to accept mail to be relayed from your machine...
If it's your ISP's server or similar, there may be hoops you need to
jump through to configure authentication so that it will do that.

Bottom line:  This is NOT a Mutt problem.  It's a misconfigured
MTA/host problem.  Without a MUCH better justification, this patch
should be rejected: It only allows the user to configure their message
ID improperly.  But then again, I made that same argument for the
entire message ID format feature, and pointed out that if you let
people do that, they will...

> I know this is related to Message-ID...

The most confounding part of being human is you can be absolutely
certain that something is true, and still be wrong... =8^)

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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