* Aaron Poffenberger <a...@hypernote.com> [11-22-21 14:46]: > On 2021-11-22 14:37 -0500, Patrick Shanahan <p...@opensuse.org> wrote: > > > > you do realize that att utilized yahoo mail, not an att system? > > > > "AT&T dumps Yahoo after 15-year partnership" > https://www.marketwatch.com/story/att-dumps-yahoo-after-15-year-partnership-2016-05-04 > > $ host att.net > att.net has address > att.net has address > att.net mail is handled by 5 ff-ip4-mx-vip2.prodigy.net. > att.net mail is handled by 5 al-ip4-mx-vip1.prodigy.net. > att.net mail is handled by 5 ff-ip4-mx-vip1.prodigy.net. > att.net mail is handled by 5 al-ip4-mx-vip2.prodigy.net. > > $ host sbcglobal.net > sbcglobal.net mail is handled by 10 ff-ip4-mx-vip1.prodigy.net. > sbcglobal.net mail is handled by 10 al-ip4-mx-vip2.prodigy.net. > sbcglobal.net mail is handled by 10 al-ip4-mx-vip1.prodigy.net. > sbcglobal.net mail is handled by 10 ff-ip4-mx-vip2.prodigy.net. > > > Prodigy Online Service: "Fate: Defunct (part of AT&T Inc.)" > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prodigy_(online_service)
perhaps not quite complete yet ... from my mail headers: Received: by wahoo.wahoo.no-ip.org (Postfix, from userid 1000) id 86CEFB67EB; Mon, 22 Nov 2021 16:47:48 -0500 (EST) Received: from any-jpop.mail.gm0.yahoodns.net [] by wahoo.wahoo.no-ip.org with POP3 (fetchmail-6.3.26 polling pop.mail.yahoo.com account s.s.s....@yahoo.com) for <*ME*@localhost> (single-drop); Mon, 22 Nov 2021 16:47:48 -0500 (EST) some searching indicates that only desktop/webmail users had their mail handling changed. If you are using your own local server, it is still yahooooo. above mail was generated from an att.net addr. -- (paka)Patrick Shanahan Plainfield, Indiana, USA @ptilopteri http://en.opensuse.org openSUSE Community Member facebook/ptilopteri Photos: http://wahoo.no-ip.org/piwigo paka @ IRCnet freenode What sort of day was it? A day like all days, filled with those events that alter and illuminate our times... all things are as they were then, but were you there?