On Mon, Jun 14, 2021 at 07:44:24PM -0700, Kevin J. McCarthy wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 14, 2021 at 05:49:50AM -0700, Kevin J. McCarthy wrote:
> > I'll take a closer look at the patch in the next couple days.
> While looking it over again, I noticed the patch had a few more issues.

> I'm attaching a modified version of your patch that:
> - renames the variable to $pager_skip_quoted_context.
The commit message needs to be updated to reflect this rename.


> - removes the commit comment about wrapped lines (they do in fact count,
> because display_line() is computing a single output line, not input line).
I have to disagree. :)

To reproduce:
- Open an email with three quoted lines with 80 characters followed by
   one unquoted line.
- set wrap=80
- set markers

Now using <skip-quoted> and
- set pager_skip_quoted_context=4 -> shows 2 lines, both wrapped.
- set pager_skip_quoted_context=2 -> shows 1 line which is wrapped
- set pager_skip_quoted_context=1 -> shows the wrapped part only

> I still need to test more when I have time tomorrow, so please let me know
> if there are problems with this version.
I'm running it now and looks good so far.

> Thank you!
Thank you for cleaning it up!

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