> -----Original message-----
> From: "Kevin J. McCarthy" <ke...@8t8.us>
> Sent: 18 Sep 2020, 09:27
> On Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 10:41:36AM -0700, Kevin J. McCarthy wrote:
> > Just today on IRC, skered asked about being able to "always reply to
> > text/plain but always view text/html".  This might be possible with
> > macros covering all the display/move-display functions but would be much
> > simpler with a display-hook that only covers the actual
> > 'mutt-display-message()'.
> > 
> > What do others think about this?
> Just to follow up, skered was able to find a good solution for his problem
> using Mutt variables.
> After thinking about it a few days, I don't know that there is a clever
> solution for your problem, but I still lean towards not adding this.  I
> don't think it's generally useful.

thanks for your answer. It is unfortunate for me, but I understand your
position. (I was maintaining Haskell data structures like Data.Map for
a while, and keeping API versatile but not bloated is a challenge.)

But if you find some more users of a display_hook in a future, I am
still interested in seeing it added :-) Or if you want to add a function
to just peek at new mail, i.e., not marking it as read automatically,
I would also be a user.

Milan Straka

PS: It seems "consider mail completed when watched" is a predominant
approach; personally, many mails seem to include smaller or larger tasks,
so "only consider mail completed after manually marked" seems
like a reasonable alternative.

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