Hi Everyone,

I think it's about time to start the next release cycle. I plan on freezing next Friday, October 23rd. As usual, I will give the translation team two weeks to work on their translation updates. Barring any problems, the release should occur the weekend of November 6-8th.

This release number will be 2.0.0. There isn't anything particularly amazing about this cycle - in fact I'd say this is the least featureful cycle I've worked on yet...

However, there are a few changes that might cause more disturbance than usual: $ssl_force_tls default set (again), localized config var defaults, $reply_to occurring before $reply_self, interpolated config variables no longer being escaped, $copy_decode_weed (default unset), and $muttlisp_inline_eval.

If you also consider all the cool stuff that's been done since 1.6.0, I think it's a good time to celebrate and bump the major version number. :-)

If you haven't tried master in a while, now would be a great time to do so. I'll spend this coming week checking my todo list and seeing if there are any rough edges I can sand off before the freeze.

Thanks everyone!

Kevin J. McCarthy
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