On Fri, Nov 01, 2019 at 08:05:42PM -0400, Aaron Schrab wrote:
I think it would be nice to support some "magic" MIME type that the filter could return to indicate that no alternative should be generated. I may want to use this for an occasional message, but not for the vast majority of messages that I send. I'm sure that setting the option to ask-no, would get annoying fast; but I suspect that I could figure out some way for the plain-text content to indicate to a filter that I want alternative generation.

Okay, thanks for the feedback and idea. This sounds pretty easy to do. Any suggestions on the value? What about just a mime type line of "no" or "off"?

The first thing that I tried doing was generating a multipart/related alternative with HTML and an image. That resulted in a fairly messed up message.

Yes, I certainly don't make any promises about the behavior in that case.

Did you try previewing the message, or just sending it straight through? It *might* work, if you don't use preview before sending. Trying to preview will cause mutt to parse out the parts in a receive-mode manner, which won't work when you then try to send the message.

Kevin J. McCarthy
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