#3971: mutt intermittently segfaults in macOS 10.12.6 during IMAP message 
  Reporter:  chdiza  |      Owner:  mutt-dev
      Type:  defect  |     Status:  new
  Priority:  major   |  Milestone:
 Component:  mutt    |    Version:  1.9.0
Resolution:          |   Keywords:

Comment (by chdiza):

 Aha, it just happened again, but I was running at "-d 5".  Here is the
 tail end of the debug, from right before the segfault.  I was in the index
 and hit "D" on top of one message, and then "$" sank mutt.
 [2017-09-20 17:27:42] mutt_addr_is_user: no, all failed.
 [2017-09-20 17:27:43] mutt_addr_is_user: no, all failed.
 [2017-09-20 17:27:43] mutt_addr_is_user: no, all failed.
 [2017-09-20 17:27:43] mutt_addr_is_user: no, all failed.
 [2017-09-20 17:27:43] mutt_addr_is_user: no, all failed.
 [2017-09-20 17:27:44] mutt_index_menu[717]: Got op 128
 [2017-09-20 17:27:44] Marking 1 messages deleted...
 [2017-09-20 17:27:44] 7> a0014 UID STORE 10556 +FLAGS.SILENT (\Deleted)
 a0015 UID STORE 10557:10558 +FLAGS.SILENT (\Seen)
 [2017-09-20 17:27:44] 7< * 2 FETCH (UID 10556 FLAGS (\Deleted))
 [2017-09-20 17:27:44] Handling FETCH
 [2017-09-20 17:27:44] FETCH response ignored for this message
 [2017-09-20 17:27:44] 7< a0014 OK Success
 [2017-09-20 17:27:44] 7< * 3 FETCH (UID 10557 FLAGS (\Seen))
 [2017-09-20 17:27:44] Handling FETCH
 [2017-09-20 17:27:44] Message UID 10557 updated
 [2017-09-20 17:27:44] 7< * 4 FETCH (UID 10558 FLAGS (\Seen))
 [2017-09-20 17:27:44] Handling FETCH
 [2017-09-20 17:27:44] Message UID 10558 updated
 [2017-09-20 17:27:44] 7< a0015 OK Success
 [2017-09-20 17:27:44] IMAP queue drained
 [2017-09-20 17:27:44] imap_cmd_finish: Expunging mailbox
 [2017-09-20 17:27:44] Sorting mailbox...
 [2017-09-20 17:27:44] Sorting mailbox...
 [2017-09-20 17:27:44] Expunging messages from server...
 [2017-09-20 17:27:44] 7> a0016 EXPUNGE
 [2017-09-20 17:27:45] 7< * 2 EXPUNGE
 [2017-09-20 17:27:45] Handling EXPUNGE

Ticket URL: <https://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3971#comment:6>
Mutt <http://www.mutt.org/>
The Mutt mail user agent

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