#3932: from address not changing with sidebar inbox
  Reporter:  ArchChris     |      Owner:  mutt-dev
      Type:  defect        |     Status:  new
  Priority:  major         |  Milestone:
 Component:  header cache  |    Version:  1.8.2
Resolution:                |   Keywords:  from address, sidebar

Comment (by ArchChris):

 Replying to [comment:5 kevin8t8]:
 > I understand your frustration, but I truly do want to help you.  My
 questions were not intended to irritate you or be pedantic, but to try to
 figure out where the problem is.
 > If, instead of using the sidebar, you change folders using "c", the
 <change-folder> function, does the problem also occur?
 > Do you happen to know if you are using NeoMutt, or Mutt?
 > Lastly, would you mind posting all of your folder hooks exactly as they
 are specified.  Or if you are uncomfortable with that, would you mind
 emailing your .muttrc to me directly?
 > Thank you.

 It seems, we are still talking about 2 different things. once again:
 EVERYTHING works, except the from address, if i change inbox using the
 sidebar. also, this has been working before. i didn't change my settings
 since. so, the problem CAN'T BE IN THE SETTINGS!

 and YES, i do feel uncomfortable, giving you my exact and sensible private
 data. no matter if it is here or through email. even more so, since i
 don't see a point in doing so. what does a list of folder hooks with exact
 inbox folders help you, if you neither have the folders and contents nor
 the list differs otherwise from the example hook i gave you?

 i'm using basic settings as stated in according tutorials online. the
 settings have been working for like 1.5 years. the same settings i've been
 using for 1.5 years did not change but did STOP WORKING a few weeks ago.
 so, what's your point? where are you going with your questions? or do i
 have to change my mutt settings every 1.5 years to keep it working?

 no offense. but this doesn't make sense. you are asking me for sensible
 private data for no reason! WHY in the world would i give it to you?
 especially since i don't see a reason why the problem should be in my
 settings, that have been working for 1.5 years and suddenly stopped

 also, no offense, but did you read my report? honestly, i wasn't sure
 about mutt or neomutt. but since i didn't remember neomutt, just taking a
 3 seconds look at the release version instantely answered the questions!
 i'm using MUTT! as far as i have just seen, neomutt uses dates as release
 versions. i stated, that the problem first occured in 1.8.1 and that i
 have been using 1.8.2 four days ago when i reported the problem. check it
 again right now, i'm still using 1.8.2. i do understand your question
 better safe than sorry. but after 4 days? i'm constantly repeating myself.

 so, to answer your questions: i'm using mutt and i don't know what
 happens, if i use the "c" command for changing folders, since i usually
 only use it to go to "sent" folders, which are not listed in my sidebar. i
 don't use them to switch inboxes. why would i, if i can use key bindings
 AND the sidebar and both options being faster and easier than the "c"

 i will run a test shortly. but let me make a prediction at this point.
 what would you expect, if key bindings are working? i tell you what's
 going to happen. the "c" command is going to work. the question is, what
 does it help me, if the sidebar is still not working. after answering the
 question, we will have determined, that the most tedious option is
 working. yet the easiest, the sidebar is still not going to work. no
 offense. but i'm constantly irritated by the logics of some people. i
 don't get it. how are you going to solve a problem in the sidebar with the
 answer to a question that has nothing to do with the sidebar and despite
 already knowing, that another option with key bindings IS working ...
 which to me seems closer to the "c" command than the sidebar. but that's
 just my subjective guess.

 testing ... done. so, suprise suprise. the "c" command option works upon
 first try. before this test i switched from my default inbox to another
 using the sidebar and the from was wrong again.

 so, after reporting that the from address is not working when switching
 folders in the sidebar, after 4 days we have now determined, that the c
 command option and key bindings are working and the sidebar still isn't. 4
 days ...

 i know you are trying to help. but i don't see progress here. also, i
 don't see sense in the conversation. i guess you don't realize that. so,
 let me state that for you: you do understand, i have other work to do,
 than keeping this conversation alive? you do understand, mutt is an
 application that should help me make progress with my work, not preventing
 work by creating problems? no offense. but 4 days, i write and write and
 write, and i see no progress and not even sense in the conversation.

 also, what always gets me: how is it possible, that i report a problem and
 no one else has experienced it, nor is able to reconstruct it? so, you are
 running 1.8.2, you can go to the sidebar, switch inbox and you have the
 correct from address? or are you just not trying to reconstruct the
 problem, before chatting with me 4 days?

 i tell you a solution. you just stop developing a sidebar. throw it in the
 trash all together. next we trash the key bindings. and we all go back to
 the c command. it's the most tedious option. but at least it's working.
 takes like 10 times as long as switching inbox in the sidebar. but in 4
 days i could have switched through a few inboxes, right?

 sorry. no offense. but i really don't see how you solve the problem. 4
 days. we are discussing application options, and settings that have been
 working for 1.5 years and alternative command options ... pretty much
 everything EXCEPT the reported problem.

Ticket URL: <https://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3932#comment:6>
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