#3916: Mutt 1.8: TOFU approach bails out on first fail or reject, not offering
higher links of the cert' chain
  Reporter:  kratem32     |      Owner:  mutt-dev
      Type:  enhancement  |     Status:  new
  Priority:  minor        |  Milestone:  1.8
 Component:  crypto       |    Version:
Resolution:               |   Keywords:  tofu

Comment (by m-a):

 I just figured that none of my patches is ready for 1:1 merge yet, in some
 places, the "quadoption" has leaked in comments, and some places need a
 guard for when the option isn't present, such as this:

   /* The leaf/host certificate can't be skipped. */
   if ((idx != 0) &&
       (option (OPT_SSLVERIFYPARTIAL)))
     allow_skip = 1;

 I also wonder if we should move the "can we do partial verification" into
 autoconfigure to not second-guess OpenSSL includes, but use a
 HAVE_PARTIAL_VERIFICATION option instead, for later maintainbility.

Ticket URL: <https://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3916#comment:55>
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The Mutt mail user agent

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