#3916: Mutt 1.8: TOFU approach bails out on first fail or reject, not offering
higher links of the cert' chain
  Reporter:  kratem32     |      Owner:  mutt-dev
      Type:  enhancement  |     Status:  new
  Priority:  minor        |  Milestone:  1.8
 Component:  crypto       |    Version:
Resolution:               |   Keywords:  tofu

Comment (by kevin8t8):


 I feel as if some confusion is occurring about how the option/patch is
 intended to be used.  Or it may be that I am too ignorant and am missing
 an important point.

 > Saving the cert of the intermediate that is closer to the root (2/4),
 however, mutt
 > will ask for the root again next time.

 No.  The **next** time you connect.  ssl_verify_partial_chains should be
 set to "=yes".  The patch will ignore (1/4), find (2/4) in the certificate
 file and return true, and so (3/4) and (4/4) should then be marked

 The ssl_verify_partial_chains=ask-yes setting is **only** for the
 **first** time you connect to a host.  The (s)kip option is only to help
 you save one of the certificates in the chain to your certificate file.
 Once you do this, you set it back to "=yes".

 > The "=yes" setting on the other hand is useless IMO because it only
 > the host certificate.

 No.  Again, "=yes" is for when you have already saved the desired
 certificate to your file.  Once this is done, "=yes" should not prompt at

 > the whole rig is questionable from the user interface perspective

 Yes.  I admit this is not a great UI.  However, kratem32 and pete3215 in
 https://github.com/neomutt/neomutt/issues/429 both seem to understand the
 idea behind the patch.

 The patch is for those with specific needs who want to directly control
 who they trust.  The UI is a bit lousy, but it at least gives them that

 > Or we implement an even more complex concept that uses the
 > earlier callbacks to just build a global view of the chain,
 > always pretending success and caching the preverify results as
 > well as the cache state, until we get to the final
 > callback (which is the one concerning the host certificate), when
 > we present the user with the necessary questions. This would,
 > however, amount to doing most of the verification in loops
 > ourselves again. But before we go into code, we need to
 > understand how OpenSSL itself deals with "alternative trust

 This is certainly the *best* way to go about it.  But I am trying to avoid
 this option
 if at all possible.  I feel the quadoption patch allows the tinkerers to
 without too much effort from mutt development side, while the "=no" option
 preserves the safe/correct behavior for 99% of the users.

 With the above explanation, does the patch make more sense?  MichaƂ does
 make sense to you?

Ticket URL: <https://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3916#comment:48>
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