On Sun, Jan 22, 2017 at 05:54:37PM -0800, David Champion wrote:
> * On 22 Jan 2017, Vincent Lefevre wrote: 
> > 
> > I think that a possible reason is to get more meaningful content when
> > a user puts Reply-To to his own address but without a comment, e.g.
> > 
> >   From: Firstname Lastname <user@domain>
> >   Reply-To: user@domain
> > 
> > So, "To: Firstname Lastname <user@domain>" is generated instead of
> > just "To: user@domain". If this is the real reason, this may be a
> > good feature, but I think that it would be preferable to do this
> > only if the Reply-To header had only an e-mail address, without a
> > comment.
> I haven't looked at this code or any history behind it.  However, it
> seems like the simplest and most correct (per RFC) behavior would be:
> always use the reply-to address if present. But if the reply-to comment
> is blank and the address is equal to From, sub in the comment that
> appears in From.
> I think this is the same as Vincent's description and is what the OP is
> asking for, but I'm trying to frame the logic in terms that make sense
> in documentation rather than code.

Thank you Vincent and David, your explanations make sense to me.  I'll
make a patch to change this later today.

Kevin J. McCarthy
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