On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 11:33:41AM +0100, Simon Ruderich wrote:
> ch will be either EOF on error or end-of-file or contain the
> first byte. Why the check for != 0 here? This will break if there
> was an error during reading and will put EOF (Oxff) into the
> stream. ch will only be 0 if there's a NUL-byte in the file which
> is unexpected for Mboxes but not a problem with the issue the
> comment is talking about.

Thanks for the feedback, Simon.  I've just pushed an improved version up.

Just FYI this was a commit notification, not a posting for review.  I've
been slowly committing David Champion's patches, posted to the list last
August (starting at <20160830231843.ga26...@scurvy.bikeshed.us>).  He
ran out of time to clean them up, and some need more work than others.
I've been leaning towards trying to get them in over having them
perfect, but more code reviewers is always appreciated.

Kevin J. McCarthy
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